User Agreement

Definitions Used in the Agreement

1.1. The User Agreement is a public offer. The User's actual use of WordPlus App signifies their acceptance of the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
1.2. "User" refers to a person who agrees to this Agreement by using WordPlus App.
1.3. "Licensor" denotes the owner of exclusive property rights to WordPlus App, including design elements, text, graphics, pictures, videos, scripts, software, music, sounds, and other objects and their compilations as well as databases generated from those objects.

Status of the Agreement

2.1. This Agreement, created by the Licensor of WordPlus App, details the terms of use and the rights and obligations of both Users and the Licensor.
2.2. This Agreement is binding for both the User and the Licensor; its subject is the provision of access to WordPlus App and its features by the Licensor. All documents governing access to certain functions of WordPlus App available on respective web pages are part of this Agreement.
2.3. The User must thoroughly read this Agreement upon installing WordPlus App on their mobile device. Installing WordPlus App signifies the User's complete and unconditional acceptance of this Agreement.
2.4. The Licensor may unilaterally amend and/or supplement this Agreement with reasonable notification. The current version of the Agreement is available at The Licensor advises Users to regularly check for any amendments and/or supplements. Continued use of WordPlus App after amendments and/or supplements implies acceptance and consent to such changes.


3.1. User registration is free, voluntary, and automatic upon installing the Mobile Application on the User's device.
3.2. The User is an individual registered in accordance with this Agreement.
3.3. By installing WordPlus App, the User agrees to this Agreement and accepts the rights and obligations related to the use and functioning of WordPlus App. 3.4. The User shall not:
* Use WordPlus App in any way other than through the provided interface unless authorized by a separate agreement with the Licensor.
* Reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, trade, or resell access to WordPlus App, including its additional functionality, unless expressly authorized by a separate agreement with the Licensor.


4.1. "Licensor" in this Agreement and other documents refers to IE Volodymyr Voitsekhivskyi, an individual entrepreneur incorporated under Ukrainian law and registered at 20 Bogunska, 79, 13300 Berdychiv, Ukraine.
4.2. Inquiries, proposals, and claims related to this Agreement and issues regarding WordPlus App's functioning, rights infringement, and requests from authorized persons should be sent to the postal address of IE Volodymyr Voitsekhivskyi.
4.3. The Licensor complies with Ukrainian laws, this Agreement, and other relevant documents regarding the functioning and development of WordPlus App.
4.4. This Agreement does not grant the User the right to use the company name, trademarks, domain names, or other identification signs of the Licensor. Such rights may be granted exclusively in a written agreement with the Licensor.
4.5. Upon User registration, the Licensor assumes the rights and obligations specified in this Agreement.
4.6. The Licensor has the right to:
* Change the design, content, and structure of WordPlus App at its discretion.
* Send notifications to Users regarding WordPlus App by email.
* Suspend, limit, or withdraw access of the registered User to any sections of WordPlus App with or without prior notification.
* At its discretion, change, improve, limit, suspend, or terminate the operation of WordPlus App or any of its sections and/or materials; deny access to any unregistered User.
4.7. The Licensor reserves the right to remove any negligent, inaccurate, offensive, incorrect, or intentionally incomplete information from WordPlus App.
4.8. The Licensor provides Users with software for coloring pictures on mobile phones based on settings selected by the User and data stored on WordPlus App servers.
4.9. The Licensor shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, or accidental damage, including loss of profit or data, reputational or moral damage, or business reputation damage incurred due to use of WordPlus App or unauthorized placement of intellectual property by Users.

Intellectual Property Rights

5.1. All materials in WordPlus App, including design elements, text, graphics, pictures, videos, scripts, software, music, sounds, and other objects and compilations thereof (the Content), as well as WordPlus Application itself, are the intellectual property of the Licensor and are protected by Ukrainian intellectual property laws and international legal treaties.
5.2. Except as stipulated by these Rules and Ukrainian laws, no Content may be copied, reproduced, reprocessed, distributed, shown in a frame, published, downloaded, transferred, sold, or used otherwise in full or in part without the prior permission of the copyright holder, except when the copyright holder expressly consents to the free use of the Content. The Content shall not be reproduced, copied, collected, systematized, stored, or transferred for generating a database for commercial or non-commercial purposes without the Administration's consent.
5.3. Any use of WordPlus App or the Content, except as authorized by this Agreement or expressly by the copyright holder, is forbidden unless there is a prior written permit from the copyright holder.
5.4. Unless otherwise stipulated by this Agreement, nothing in this Agreement transfers exclusive rights to the Content.

Subscribing and Unsubscribing Terms and Conditions. WordPlus App Functionality

6.1. Users manage their subscriptions through AppStore or Google Play.
6.2. For subscription management, Users should follow official Apple or Google Play instructions.
6.3. The WordPlus App system does not include technical solutions for automated censorship or control of User activities, except for special technical solutions to prevent infringement of third-party intellectual property rights.
6.4. The Licensor reserves the right to change the design, content, functions, and scripts of WordPlus App at any time.
6.5. The Licensor can use statistical information related to WordPlus App functioning for targeted advertising to User groups. The Licensor has technical capabilities for accessing Users' personal pages to ensure functionality and support, exercised only as stipulated by this Agreement.
6.6. The Licensor may send information about WordPlus App development and advertise its activities to the User.

Final Provisions

7.1. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the User and the Licensor regarding the use of WordPlus App and supersedes any prior agreements.
7.2. This Agreement is governed by Ukrainian laws. Issues not regulated by this Agreement shall be governed by Ukrainian laws.
7.3. By accepting this User Agreement, the User consents to the transfer and use of their personal data by third parties for implementing this Agreement and enhancing WordPlus App performance.
7.4. By accepting this Agreement, the User confirms understanding of the internal fees set by the Licensor for WordPlus App use.
7.5. By accepting this Agreement, the User consents to the processing of their personal data for distributing information about services in WordPlus App and receiving advertising materials, effective for the Agreement's duration and one year after the User stops using WordPlus Application.
7.6. WordPlus App and its functionality are provided “AS IS”. The Licensor waives any guarantees about the suitability of WordPlus App for specific purposes and does not guarantee any particular results.
7.7. The Licensor or its representatives shall not be liable for any indirect, consequential, or accidental damage, including profit or data loss, reputational or moral damage, or business reputation damage suffered due to WordPlus App use.
7.8. Disputes related to this Agreement shall be settled by negotiation or, if unresolved, in accordance with Ukrainian laws.
7.9. This Agreement takes effect upon the User's acceptance and remains effective indefinitely.

Limitation of Liability

8.1. The Licensor shall not be liable for any interruptions or errors in the operation of WordPlus App.